Sunday, August 24, 2008

Alice is going to be a big sister!

Soooo, I thought since I officially entered my second trimester today that I should post an announcement. Yesiree, the Hall's are expanding :) The official due date is February 21, 2009. But I have put a ticker (even though part of it is cut off) on the left side of the blog so that we can count down until the big day. We're very excited and keep praying that everything goes well. I won't have my big ultrasound until October, so no sono pics until then :(

Thursday, August 21, 2008

We'll Miss you Lily

I just wanted to write a special post for my brother's family. Their daughter Lily, bravely passed away this morning. She was such a little fighter for the year she lived. We will really miss her, and our family will always feel a little empty without her. I do want to thank my brother and his wife for their incredible strength and courage that they have had this past year, and let them know that their example in Jesus Christ's gospel will have a profound effect on us. They are wonderful parents and the proof is in their children. As Ruth noted:

"Last night, as Sariah said good night to Lily, I heard her say, 'I'm sorry you're sick, Lily. Someday Jesus will make you all better, and then you'll run and play with me.' I think that today, free from her mortal body, Lily's spirit is running and playing. We are so proud of our Lily-chins, and so grateful that she came to our family."

For a three year old to have that kind of faith and knowlege is a testament to how awesome her parents are. Thank you Ruth, Ben, Eliza, Jon, and Sariah for your special spirits, your faith, and your love. We love you!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday, August 12

My laptop pooped out on me! It won't come out of hibernation mode. This has happend before, and while I was able to call HP and they helped me fix it on the phone, they told me if it happened again I would need to send it in for them to replace the motherboard. Problem is, I didn't backup a bunch of pics before it perma-passed out. Soooo, I don't have new pics to post at the moment.

On another note, we've been enjoying the break in heat with a few days of rain.

Alice is 90% potty trained! Yea! She uses the potty all day, and even keeps a pull-up dry sometimes after naps and night. She even woke up last night to go. The biggest thing now is to get her to tell other people watching her that she needs to go.

Well that's the latest and greatest. Hopefully I can get my files off the laptop before I send it in. Cross your fingers!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Videos of Alice

Here's some videos of Alice. One is where she's singing "Popcorn popping on the apricot tree". There is also one of her dancing. We love to watch and dance along with "So you think you can dance" She calls it the dancing show. Finally the last video is of her at gymnastics class. She calls it 'nastics'. Anyhow, if you can't tell she's doing cartwheels. I don't have videos of me or Dustin, because let's face it folks--she's waaay cuter than the rest of the Halls.