Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rome, Pompeii, and Positano

Here's the slides of our last leg of the trip. Sorry it took me so long to post!

Rome was an absolute must see, but I don't know if I would go back. Very dirty and crowded--but you have to see it at least once. One thing we didn't know was that most of St. Peter's marble came from the Colosseum. We really enjoyed the Roman ruins, it was our favorite part of Rome.

Pompeii was huge--I can't believe how much they've excavated. It's amazing to see graffiti on the walls and art on the walls of the homes. We only spent a couple hours, but easily could've explored for a few days.

Positano was the highlight of the trip for me. The Almafi coast was to die for---so beautiful. I would definitely go back and spend a whole trip there. Loved it, loved it, LOVED it!

The best part of the trip was talking to Dustin without toddler interruption for 10 whole days--we missed Alice terribly, but really enjoyed our time together. It was so worth it.

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